Cure for Sleep Paralysis

Side effects

After using the tablets, negative effects may occur..

List of side effects:


  1. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting.
  2. Kidney Disorder.
  3. Red blood cell count.
  4. Cramps and muscle weakness.
  5. Baldness.
  6. Male infertility.


Colchicine: instructions for use, analogues

Colchicine - the drug most effective for the treatment of gout, as well as some other diseases.

The active substance - colchicine - has a plant base and is a poison (alkaloid).

With gout in the patient’s body as a result of a metabolic disorder, an excess of uric acid is produced, the formation and accumulation of salt crystals - urates on the surfaces of joints that injure tissue during movement, which causes their sharp and very painful inflammation.

The property of colchicine to block cell division is used in the development of this drug.

Reception of colchicine allows to reduce the production of uric acid, quickly and effectively relieving acute attacks of gout. But an excess dose is dangerous poisoning.

How to be treated with colchicine? And which analogues of the drug are used in Russia?

Colchicine is available in pill form. here Each tablet contains 0.5 mg or 1 mg of the active substance. The tablets are coated on the outside, which dissolves in the intestines and prevents the absorption of colchicine in the stomach.


  • Pharmafar Srl (Italy) - the trade name of the drug "Colchicina";
  • Johannes Bürger Ysatfabrik GmbH (Germany) and Acarpia / Pharmafar S.r.l. (Portugal) - produce the drug "Colchicum-Dispert";
  • Brown Laboratories Ltd for Rotec Ltd, India / Great Britain - Colchicine.


Colchicine and alcohol: compatibility

It is forbidden to take alcohol-containing drinks during treatment. When drinking alcohol, the toxic effect of Colchicine on the liver and gastrointestinal mucosa is enhanced, and ulcers may develop. Less common is tinnitus, weakness and headaches. In some cases, gastric bleeding was observed.

Alcohol is one of the conditionally prohibited drinks for gout; when combined with colchicine, the risk of side effects increases several times.

Side effects and overdose

Colchicine is well tolerated by patients, subject to the indicated dosages, the likelihood of adverse symptoms is minimal. The occurrence of the following negative reactions is not excluded:


  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea.


Side effects from the nervous system: the development of peripheral neuritis, neuropathy, depression. A negative reaction from the digestive system: a decrease in appetite, nausea, an increase in liver enzymes, the development of malabsorption syndrome.

The systematic use of high doses can provoke the appearance of rashes on the skin, internal bleeding, weakness and pain in the muscles, rarely - the functioning of the kidneys and liver is impaired. Against the background of taking high doses of the drug, a tingling sensation or convulsions may occur in the limbs. Rare side effects: stomatitis, bone marrow suppression, alopecia.

An overdose is accompanied by a burning sensation in the oral cavity, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, intense pain in the abdomen, cramps, muscle weakness. If too high a dose of the drug is ingested, there is a risk of death due to inhibition of bone marrow function.

An overdose requires immediate hospitalization of the patient. There is no specific antidote; hemodialysis does not give a positive result. In the hospital, the victim is washed by the stomach, after which symptomatic therapy is prescribed to restore the functioning of the internal organs.